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Writer: The Creative ArchitectThe Creative Architect

I'm a Business Coach and Consultant, so I mostly write from that perspective. However, before anything else, I'm a mother. And that means the business I run is my household. Before you click away, hear me out.

I love helping women start, build, and elevate their businesses because I know that every woman is built to be a CEO. How do I know? Because women are the CEOs of the households. Yep, women are equipped to visualize, structure, and put the proper systems in place to make things run efficiently.

And when I can show a woman how to put the necessary systems in place for her entire life...guess what? Running her business becomes that much easier because she has learned and implemented the components to run on auto-pilot. Systems simplify every aspect of your life and business. I teach that your life and business are not that separate.

I realized a long ago, that when my home/kid's things are complete, I eliminate not only anxiety but the dreaded "mom guilt." This is why I have a system for grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry, homework, school activities, family time, and all the other things that come with being a mom.

Once my "mom guilt" is taken care of, I move to the things that keep my business going. I make sure that I block off time on my calendar to complete the important tasks. These include client calls, creating content, marketing/promotions, launching, onboarding, offboarding, and the list goes on and on.

And then there is the system I call…the system of me. I have a system for my self-care, which includes weekly pedicures (usually done by me with a glass of wine while watching a romance movie), sugar scrubs, a skincare routine, deep conditioning of my hair, shaving all the majors, and wait for it…NAPS!

These systems not only simplify my life, but they keep me sane! So how do you go about building a system in life and/or business? I highly recommend using my 4 P's Process:

1. Peace First:

Decide what creates peace in your world. Is it a decluttered space? An early morning jog? Or is just carving out space to meditate and pray? Whatever is your jam, make sure you include it in your daily routine.

2. Priorities:

Determine what needs to be done for your and your family first. Did you see that? I said, your and yours FIRST. That means make sure you and your family come before anybody and any business.

3. Preparation:

Do as much as you can…as early as you can. This eliminates you having to use your beautiful mind to focus on insignificant tasks and makes space to be solution orientated.

4. Present:

Peace, priorities, and preparation give me the most important thing…the opportunity to be FULLY PRESENT in whatever I'm doing. I'm not thinking about what I didn't do, what I should be doing, or worrying about what's next. I am there. Right there, at the moment, given who and what my full self.

I know I can be a bit over the top when it comes to systems, but trust me it's ALWAYS worth it. Systems also allow me to not get stuck in the rut of "I don't feel like it," because I know that doing what needs to be done ahead of time, is how I free up my time in the future.

This week, sit down and make a list of all the things that are not increasing your time, joy, or productivity and figure out what and how to simplify it by building a system around it.


I’m Kandis Troutman, The Creative Architect. I'm a mother, teacher, and spiritual seeker focused on purpose walking, and serving others. I help women activate their God-given power so they can transform their purpose into a prosperous business.

Thanks for reading my post. I try to publish new posts weekly, but I believe in leaving room for God, which means there are no guarantees. But check in often and let me know what content awakens your spirit and I’ll be more than happy to share my experiences.

If you enjoyed this post, I’d appreciate it if you would like, comment, and/or share it on your social media. A sincere THANKS IN ADVANCE!

Don’t allow your life to become what you should have done or what you wish you could have accomplished. Instead, step into the greatness that is your destiny and start creating, building, and elevating the life of your dreams.

Ready to ELEVATE your business, but need help structuring your services and designing your systems?



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